Play an active role in deciding the future of the Hebrew nation.
World Magshimey Herut educates Jewish young adults throughout the world towards Jewish pride, active Zionism and love for Israel.
World Magshimey Herut encourages members to assume an active role in the future of the Jewish people and to exert Israel’s national rights.
Play an Active Role
Play an active role in deciding the future of the Hebrew nation.
Make Your Voice Heard
Make your voice heard in the halls of the World Zionist Congress. Follow us. Join the Herut Movement, and play an active role in the future of the Jewish People.
Engage with Jews
Engage other Jews in discussion about Hebrew identity by participating in Herut’s initiatives for Jewish/Zionist education.
Rise above Partisan Politics
Bridge the divide between the radicals of the Left and the Right by infusing the Jewish world with a commitment to Achdut (brotherhood) and Geulah(Redemption).